Sunday, November 3, 2013

Plastic bottle caps not like beads but... (+a tutorial)

Hi once again,

I have helped my daughter's kindergarten group to take part in bottle caps collecting and reusing into a sort of work of art competition. The kids are 5 years old, and we have a very eager and nice kids' teacher Nijolė Karalienė. :)

I have made a spider and she and the kids have decorated the board with caps.
A mini tutorial how I made this quick spider- octopus to decorate the bottle cap mosaic board:)
You need:
  •  fabric
  • sewing machine
  • pins,threads, sharp scissors
  • stuffing (you can use cotton wool or old scraps of fabric)
  • plastic bottle caps
Take your fabric, I used hand woven linen (totally from my stash- made by my grandmother in law (can I say about my hubby's granny?). Use the shape which you want, I used a dish to cut a circle.

Then cut the long strips along all length from selvage to salvege and sew in side out sort of legs, then turn outside. Stuff with the stuffing, I used scissors.
You have the number of legs that you need, I made 8, the picture of four:
Then pin the legs to the side of your circle, sew one side then the other:
Turn inside out- here you have a gap, later I sewid by hand with an invisible stich:
 Take the bottle caps, make holes, fasten them to the spider I used beads on top. So here is our spider at last with some bottle caps, then I glued with hot glue gun the bottle caps on top:
Here is my daughter with her teacher N.Karaliene (at Piene kindergarten in Kaunas), bottle caps were collected by kids and parents, kids took part too):
Here is the voting and all the other bottle cap projects: Kamsteliu Vajus 2013:
Have a happy day, have fun reusing ;)


  1. Muy original, las felicito!, cuidaron la ecologia reutilizando el plástico, me encantó la tela de araña de tantos colores!!!!!, eres una buena mamá!

  2. What a fun project! It must have taken a while to collect all those different coloured bottle caps!


Thanks a lot for your comments ;)